HistoryLink.org’s approximate $600,000 annual budget is funded through gifts, grants, local and state appropriations, corporate sponsorships, publishing, and fee-for-service historical research and consulting projects. All contributions are fully tax-deductible.
HistoryLink.org Founding Benefactors
In 1997 Priscilla "Patsy" Bullitt Collins (1920-2003) contributed the capital to launch the planning and production of the first online encyclopedia of local history designed expressly for the Internet, HistoryLink.org. At the time of its launch, HistoryLink.org covered only Seattle and King County.
In 2003 the Paul G. Allen Virtual Education Foundation gave $100,000, which enabled HistoryLink.org to expand the encyclopedia to cover the entire state of Washington.
Founding Institutions
HistoryLink.org could not have grown without the early support of these institutions: The State of Washington, City of Seattle, King County, The Seattle Public Library, AT&T, Sound Transit, PEMCO Insurance, Port of Seattle, Museum Of History & Industry, Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle City Light, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, King County Landmarks & Heritage Commission, 4Culture (King County Lodging Tax), Washington State Ferries, City of Bellevue, Children's Hospital & Regional Medical Center, The Peach Foundation, Microsoft Corporation, Seattle-King County Association of Realtors, Washington State Department of Archeology & Historic Preservation, Washington State Department of Transportation, Group Health Cooperative
HistoryLink State Database Launch Sponsors, 2003
Expanding HistoryLink.org to cover the entire state was made possible by major funding from these individuals and institutions: Seattle City Light, Nesholm Family Foundation. Microsoft Corporation, The Boeing Company, Washington Forest Protection Association, Henry M. Jackson Foundation, Humanities Washington, City of Tacoma Economic Development Department, Tacoma Public Utilities, Washington State University, University of Washington Press, William Marler, Marler Clark, Attorneys at Law, Puget Sound Energy, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, Junior League of Tacoma Fund, Baker Family Fund, Tacoma Housing Authority, Washington Dental Service, Olympic Resource Management
Individual and Institutional Donations
Individual donations are especially important because they allow us to commission content that might not otherwise find funding and they support important infrastructural improvements to the online encyclopedia. Please join hundreds of other individuals, community groups, and businesses in helping HistoryLink.org bring the "future of history" to all of Washington, especially its children, by clicking the Donate button on the top right corner of this page.
Contributions in 2021
City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
King County
Chris and David Towne
Apex Foundation
Joan Alworth and Peter Ackroyd
Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
Michael Sullivan
Jerome Arbes and Anne Knight
Sam Baker
Robert Bruckner
Tim Copes and Amy Lee
Steven Ellis
Robert and Jeanne Ellis
Lynn Erickson
Emily Ericsen
Nancy and Dan Evans
Robert Flowers Flowers
Joanne Foster
Jean Gardner
Peter Goldman
Karen Gordon
Adrian Hanauer
Pamela Heath and David Jensen
C. David Hughbanks
Madelyn and Franklin Lindsay
Tom McQuaid
Metis, LLC
John Nesholm
Catherine Opie
Mike Osborn
George Petrie
Berger Partnership
Lynn Weber and Alan Roochvarg
Frank Schott and Anne Pelzel
Jared Smith and Karen Daubert
Association Of Washington Cities
Michael Sweeney and Barbara Dingfield
Cassandra Tate and Glenn Drosendahl
Quintard Taylor
Joe Vinikow and Julie Sakahara
Maggie Walker
April Williamson
Wyman Youth Trust
Sung Yang
Evelyn Yenson
Bill Youngs
Larry Asher
Margaret Barrett
Kathrine Beck
Mr. Petyr Beck
Jon and Bobbe Bridge
John Caldbick
John and Annie Davis
C. R. Douglas
Susan Dunn
Vasiliki Dwyer
George Erb and Mavis Amundson
Donald Erickson
Gary Fluhrer
Nancy Gibbs
Lisa Hagar
Alexandra Harmon
Fred Jarrett
Sally Jewell
Linda Johnson
Bruce Johnson
Eric Klunder and Jennifer MacCormack
Linda Larson and Gerry Johnson
Alan Levine and Darcy Wildermuth
Anamaria Lloyd
Ellen Look and Tony Cavalieri
Jennifer Loy
Maria Mackey
Casey McNerthney
Paige Miller
Craig Miller
Greg and Sharon Nickels
Sue and Dave Nicol
Jim O'Hanlon
Pike Oliver
Kriss Ostrom
Jennifer Ott
Annette Parks
Michael Peck
Jeannette Reynolds
Constance Rice
Margaret and Randall Riddle
Cathy Sarkowsky
Randolph and Barbara Schnabel
Raymond and Kimberly Shine
Motter Snell
Elaine Spencer and Dennis Forsyth
Dale and Carol Sperling
James and Suzanne Tupper
John Turnbull
Austin and Mary Watson
Arjuna White
Kathryn Williams
Sheila Wyckoff-Dickey
KR Creative
Up to $499
Amy Adams
Carl Adler
Ms. Debra Alderman
Rosemary Aragon
Janis Arthur
Bill Baarsma
Mary Bacarella
Nancy Bain
Ross Baker
Dean Ballard
Renee Bang
August Bang
Gregory Barnes
Dean Barnes
Ellen Barnett
George Bartell
Julia Beabout
Ellen Beck
Paula Becker and Barry Brown
Rachel Ben-Shmuel
Richard and Deborah Berger
Rhoda Besecker
Victoria Bestor
J. Paul Blake
Don Blakeney
Barry Blanton
Mark Blitzer
Victor Bloomfield and Jeri Skuk
Bob and Cathy Betz
Amy Bonney-Hoffman
Carol Brandt
Bob and Brenda Bray
Amber Brock
Amy Brockhaus
Craig Brown
James Brown
David Brown and Christina Rockrise
Alvin Bryant
Dorothy Bullitt
Suzanne Burke
Thomas Burton
Meredith Bush
Alex Cail
Allison Campbell
Dale Carlson
Carol Carpenter
Deborah Carver
Keliikai Castillo
Alexander Chadsey
Mr. Richard Chambless
Mr. David Chrisman
Rita Cipalla
Kathi Ciskowski
Tom Claibourn
Judith Clarridge
Cindy Claypool
Talia Clever
Victoria Coleman
Joel Connelly
Kathleen Conner and Steve Butler
David and Jane Cottrell
Carolyn Cox
John Creighton
Shawn Crowley and Karen Petersen
Gosta Dagg
Eliza Davidson
Susan and Pierre de Vries
Curtis DeGasperi
Annie Delucchi
Duane and Min Cha Denfeld
Rebekah Denn
Joe and Pat Desimone
Mr. Stephen DiJulio
Fedva Dikmen
Sue Donaldson
Ryan Donaldson
Jeffrey Donchez
Mr. Brendan Donckers
Bob and Lisa Donegan
Deborah Dowd
Jan Drago
Mike Ducker
Clay Eals
Joni Earl
Emily Easton
Paul Elliott
Michael Ellsworth
Kristi England
Elizabeth England
Dave Eskenazi
David Eskinazi
Robert Everitt
Vicki Fabre
John Feit
Virginia Felton
Craig Fern
Terry and Linda Finn
Michael Fishback
Eric Flom
Gene Fosheim
Gyda Fossland
Deborah Fox
Karen Fraser
Sarah Fraser Brands
Sue Frause
Jacob Freeman
Martha Frost
Kate Frost
Andrew Frost
Jerome Hillis and Diana Gale
Mr. Brian Gann
Douglas Gann and Susan Plummer
Museum Of History and Industry
Mike Garten
Carver and Carmen Gayton
Laurie Geissinger
Greg Gerhard
Brian Giddens and Steve Rovig
Robin Gilliam
Linda Holden Givens
Jean Godden
David Goldstein
Donna Gordon
Leslie Grace
Robert Green
Angela Gunn
Mary Ann Gwinn
Genevieve Haas
Paul and Barbara Haas
Jane Hadley
Kenneth Haisch
Rickey Hall
William Hamilton
Michael Hanrahan
Lawrence and Hylton Hard
Mr. Julian Harman
Donald and Gayle Harris
Rachel Hart Rios
Adam Hasson
Michele Hasson
Lesley Hazleton
Marcia Heath
Jan Hendrickson and Chuck Leighton
Michael and Julia Herschensohn
Eric Heydrick
Judith Hightower
Susan Hildreth
Carl Hiltbrunner
Randy Hodgins
Russell Holter
Patricia McKenney Douglas Honig
Robert Horsley
Thomas Hotchkin
John Howell
Cedar River Group
K M Huber
Ms. Bridget Hughes
Douglas Hurley
Patrick Hussey
Deborah Jacobs
Donna and Mike James
Charles Janeway
Catheirne Jaramillo
Chris Jay
Soren Jensen
Barbara Johns
Marcy Johnsen
Russell Johnson
Winslow Johnson
Donald Jones
Roberta Jonnet
Christine Juchmes
Margaret Levi & Robert Kaplan
Paula Karlberg
Kathryn Keller
Roxanne Kenison
Daniel Kerege
Daniel Kerlee and Carol Wollenberg
Jim and Carol Kershner
Jennifer Kilmer
Kevin king
Kevin Kirk
James and Phyllis Kirkpatrick
Paul Kizior
David Klotz
Mr. Phillip Knight
Jeanne Kohl-Welles
William Kombol
Penny and John Kriese
Lisa Labovitch
Barbara Larimer
Chuck and Sue Lean
M.A. Leonard
Peter LeSourd and Margo Halsted
Michelle LeSourd
Charles and Pauline LeWarne
Andrew Lewis
Bill Leyrer
Michael Lieberman
Freya Liggett
Kelly Lillis
David Cameron and Louise Lindgren
B. Parker Lindner and Ann Zavitkovsky
Dave Lisiecki
Eric Liu
Philip Lloyd
Jeffrey Long
Priscilla Long
Stephen and Jody Lovell
Douglas Luetjen
John Lundin
Meg Luthin
Douglas MacDonald and Lynda Mapes
Sarah Mack
Dorothy Mann
David Mann
Jud Marquardt and Constance Niva
Randi Mason
Robert Mayer
John McAlpine
Marie McCaffrey
Midge McCauley
Daryl and Ann McClary
Genevieve McCoy
Margy McGroarty
Travis McKay
Richard McKinney
Vance McLane
Pat McShea
Suzanne Melton
Jamie Merriman-Cohen
Stafford and Claribel Louise Miller
Louise Miller
Bettylu Miller
Catherine Minden
Carol Mitchell
Thomas Moak
Mary Montgomery
Dina Moreno
Joel Morris
Dan Morrow
Jay Mortensen
Eric and Trish Muller
Zola Mumford
Mr. Eric Nelson
Grace Nordhoff
Maren Norton
Jack O'Donnell
Jack and Mary O'Donnell
Daniel O'Keefe
Jeffrey and Margaret O'Mara
Mr. Lawrence ODonnell
Niko Okamoto
Kit Oldham and Colleen O'Connor
barry oyoung
Mark Pagano
Aaron Pailthorp
Richard Paisner
Claire Palay and Breck Wilmot
Lee and Robin Pasquarella
John Pehrson
Ruth Pelz
Karen Petersen
Arthur Petersen
Ms. Clare Petrich
Tai Pham
Tyler Pichette
Frank and Janet Ploof
Janet Ploof
Joseph Polito
Daniel Poor
John Pound
Karen J Prasse
Gail Pratt-Shea
Mark Proulx
Barry Provorse
Doug and Kathie Raff
Timothy Ransom and Melanie Brooke
Robert Rapanut
Jon Rappuhn
Ray and Susan Rebello
Jenifer Rees
Kelly Rench
Anne Renz
Joanne Repass
Mike Repass
Annie Riggins
Jeff Rinedahl
Catherine Roche
Janice Roosen
Cynthia Rose
Julianna Ross
Nick Rousso
Jordan Royer
Rosanne Royer
Michael and Edith Ruby
Tom and Anna Rudd
Cindy Peyser Safronoff
Pamela Sander
Jane and James Sanders
Tia Scarce
Bryce and Chris Seidl
Lita Sheldon
Lillian Sherman
Jean Sherrard
Jon Silver
Eileen Simmons
Laura Singer
Michael Sivia and Nancy Field
Janet Sjoholm
Marjorie Skotheim and Eric Wogstad
Rick and Darcey Small
Megan Smith
Victoria Smith
Jeff Snyder
Barbara Spaeth
Sunny Speidel
Stephanie Pulakis Stafford and William Stafford
Rebecca Stager
Elizabeth Stenning
Mark Stensager
Jay Sternoff
Ms. Shanna Stevenson
Jane and Chuck Stonecipher
Marianne Stover
Karin Straley
George Strampher
Andrea Suarez
Sherry Sullivan
Bruce Sult
Carol Sundahl
Arland Swanson
Gael and Bob Tarleton
Diane Taylor
Shari Teeple
Toby Thaler
Arthur Thiel
Barbara Thomas
Gail Thompson
Barbara and John Thorp
Tom Tierney
Charles Tomaras
Deb and Jeff Twersky
Zabine van Ness
Ms. Maureen VanderPas
Max Vekich
Alexander Veneruso
Susan Veneruso
George and Julie Verheul
David Voyles
Michael Waller and Kate Grieshaber
Steve Wang
Andy Wangstad
Norton Wascher
Harriet Wassrman
Gary Watson
Wendy Weaver
Laurie Werner
Martha West
Barbara Whorton
Jana and Lynn Wilkins
Gary and Nancy Willis
Tim Willis
Kenneth and Rosemary Willman
Shauna Wilson
Doug Wilson
John Wilson
Margaret Woodard
Katherine Wooley
Brett Worrall and Anna-Lissa Little
Lee Wright
Shelly Yapp
Nancy Young
Glennys Young
Daniel Zadra
Hans Zeiger
Ms. Rona Zevin
Thank you!