Coronavirus Archive Project:
Personal stories about how this pandemic is affecting Washington will be an important part of sharing this story with future generations. Please share your personal accounts of how it has affected you and your community. How has your home, work, or school life changed during the “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” quarantine? How has your community supported each other and first responders and medical personnel during the crisis? What events illustrate how things have changed? What do you want future generations to understand about this time in our history?
Check out our People’s Histories to see how other historical events have been documented. We are looking for short entries – around 500 words – and will be posting them on HistoryLink in the coming months.
Submit your stories via this form.
If you have photos or audio and video clips (up to 3 minutes long), submite them to [email protected], along with permission to use them on Each image or clip should include caption information identifying what, where, when, and credit. We will share them on our Instagram page and include them in our archive for use on
Thank you!
I attribute my 2 week early jump Into quarantine to having survived another famous WA state disaster: the Mt. St. Helens volcanic eruption so I know that normal life can be disrupted basically at any moment. – Kathleen Ann Johnson, Seattle
After 60 days I was finally able to visit [my husband, in a memory care center, at the window...May 16th was our 49th anniversary - our first anniversary separated. Although I saw him at the window it is not the same as being together. I am so grateful that the facility took precautions and strict rules for their staff so Covid 19 has not ‘gotten in’. - Charlotte Lloyd, Richland
Today, aging without past friends leaves a void. I miss our chatter, the human touch, the hugs. Yes, I Zoom Skype Webex, phone, text and email. I yearn for human contact: hugs, touch, grandchild's laughter. I am not a Screen or Robot! - Minnie Collins, Seattle
Anyone wishing to contribute to the encyclopedia on other topics should become familiar with it. Use the Search page to poke around and look at the different types of stories in the encyclopedia.
People's Histories:
Personal memoirs and reminiscences that relate to state history are an important window onto our past. We welcome volunteer reminiscences of 500-1,500 words that relate to Washington state history. Please take a look at the People's Histories essays to get an idea of whether your piece might be appropriate. Then make an inquiry to [email protected].
Please note:
- We do not publish genealogies.
- We do publish oral histories, but only those that are transcribed and edited. This is very labor-intensive work that we unfortunately do not have the staff to perform.
- All essays are subject to editing and approval by HistoryLink.
When you get the go-ahead, send your piece to the editor in a Microsoft Word or a text file. Images must come separately as jpeg files with caption information that includes what, where, when, and the photo credit in the body of the email.
We cannot use thumbnail-sized images or Microsoft Word files with images embedded.
Features and Timeline Entries:
We appreciate the occasional volunteered essay that comprises an objective and well-sourced account of a person or event. Please ascertain whether or not the encyclopedia has already covered the subject and then query via [email protected].
We work with professional historians and also commission essays by scholars, and other professional writers from time to time. If you would like to be considered as a contributing historian, please send your résumé, interests, and a writing sample or clippings to the office:
93 Pike Street, Suite 315B
Seattle, WA 98101
For Mitigation Projects.
For those working on mitigation projects, please download the following pdf that explains our procedure and requirements in detail:
Commissioned Work