Regional Transit Authority commuter train begins demonstration runs on January 28, 1995.

  • By Walt Crowley
  • Posted 1/01/2000
  • Essay 2719

On January 28, 1995, the Regional Transit Authority commences a public demonstration of commuter rail service between Everett, Seattle, Kent, and Tacoma, which is part of a proposed "Sound Move" plan on the March 14 ballot. Former Port of Seattle Commissioner Henry Aronson and other consultants organize the "Try Rail" service.

"Try Rail" trains completed a total of 76 weekday rush hour trips and 32 special excursions. They also carried Sonics fans to and from nine games held in the Tacoma Dome while Seattle's Key Arena was unavailable. The demonstration attracted more than 35,000 riders through March 16, but failed to sway enough voters to pass the regional transit plan.

A revised Sound Transit plan was adopted on November 5, 1996, and launched regular commuter rail service between Seattle and Tacoma on September 18, 2000.


Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority, "Commuter Rail Demonstration Project," June 9, 1995.

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