Kooxda Royal Esquire waxay ka iibisay guri kooxeedkeedii Dugsiyada Dawladda ee Seattle 30 Ogosto, 1985.

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30 Ogosto, 1985, Kooxda Royal Esquire, oo ah koox gaar ah oo niman Afrikaan Maraykan ahi leeyihiin, waxay kaga iibisay gurigeedii Dugsiyada Dawladda ee Seattle 150,000. Iibka waxa loo sameeyey si loogu helo jid Dugsiga Hoose ee Bailey Gatzert. Royal Esquire waxay ka iibsanaysay guri cusub Magaalada Columbia Goobta S 5016 Rainier.


Anny Chung Brothers, Property Management Office, Seattle Public Schools;   Mary Henry interview with Marvin Vanderhost; Royal Esquire Club website accessed August 16, 2010 (http://www.royalesquiresclub.com/).

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