Boqollaal ayaa u dabbaaldega 15 Janaayo, 1984 meelaynta astaantii u dambaysay si ay u cayinto Jidka Martin Luther King Jr. ga cusub ee Seattle.

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15 Janaayo, 1984, boqollaal qof oo heesaya ayaa ka soo lugeeyeen Kaniisadda Mount Zion Baptist ee Seattle ilaa isgooyska Sakadda E Cherry iyo Jidka Martin Luther King Jr.. Isku uruka kala duwani, sannad guuradan waxa loogu dabbaal degayey guulihii Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 – 1968) waxana la xusayay dhammaadkii dagaal sharciga ee dheeraa si magac cusub loo siiyo Habkii Imbaraadooriyadda ee dilista hoggaamiyeyaha xuquuqda aadamaha. 1981, fikrad fudud oo magac cusub loogu bixiyay halbawlaha wayn koonfurta Seattle waxa uu ka kiciyay dood kulul, magaalada oo idil. inkastoo ayna u kala hadhin golaha magaalada iyo maayarka ansixinta, sharciyayntii 1982 si loo beddelo biilasha yuutiliga, khariiradaha, foomamka, ashyaada suuqgaynta, iyo calaamaha sakadaha waxa dib u riday ugu dhawaan laba sano kiis sharciya ooy keeneen 36 ganacsade oo urur ku lahaa halbawlaha. Ganacsadeyaashu waxay ku sheegeen tabashadooda kharashka ku baxaya beddelka magaca waxayna ka doodeen awoodda magaalada ee ansixinta sharci iyadoon dadka waxa la waydiin. Ugu dambaytii, markay ku waayeen kiiskoodii Maxkamadda Sare ee Gobolka Washington Diisambar 1983, ganacsadeyaashii waxay go’aansadeen inayna rafcaan ka qaadan. Magaaladu waxay si dhakhso ah u soo saartay ilaa 500 calaamad sakadeed waxayna maaraysay inay qotomiso kahor maalinta u dambaysa oo ah 15 Janaayo.


“Martin Luther King Way? A City Hearing,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 20, 1982, p. D-7; “The Empire Way Strikes Back at that New Name:” Ibid., July 28, 1982, p. C-1; “Royer Signs -- and Now It’s ‘King Way,’” Ibid., July 30, 1982, p. A-1; “Merchants Lose Street Name Delay,” Ibid., August 19, 1982, p. C-2; “Empire Way Change of Name Is OK, Judge Says,” Ibid., September 28, 1982, p. C-1; “15 Turn Out for King Way Picketing,” Ibid., August 22, 1982, p. C-15; “The Merchants Decide to Let King Have His Way,” Ibid., January 27, 1984, p. A-12; Lee Moriwaki, “Council Votes to Rename Empire Way for Martin Luther King Jr,” The Seattle Times, July 20, 1982, p. B-1; Charles Moore and Susan Gilmore, “Compromise on Renaming Empire Way,” Ibid., April 30,1981, p. C-1; “Blacks to Seek Full Street to Honor King,” Ibid., April 30, 1981, p. E-8; Lee Moriwaki, “Empire Way Name Change Drawing Flood of Opposition” Ibid., July 27, 1982, p. A-1; Lee Moriwaki, “Royer Approves New Name for Empire Way Despite Protests (signed 7-29-82),” Ibid., July 30, 1982, p. A-1; Herb Robinson, “A Distasteful Dispute,” Ibid., July 28, 1982, p. 7; Lee Moriwaki, “It’s Now Martin Luther King Jr. Way,” Ibid., July 30,1982, p. A-1; “Mrs. King Invited to Renaming,” Ibid., August 5, 1982, p. B-3; Lee Moriwaki, “Suit Filed to Block Renaming Street for Martin Luther King,” Ibid., August 10, 1982, p. E-1; Lee Moriwaki, “Fliers Urge Boycott of Empire Way Name-changing Foes” Ibid., August 19, 1982, p. B-1; “Street-Name Issue far from Settled” Ibid., September 22, 1982, p. A-1; Lee Moriwaki, “Empire Way Group Files Appeal” Ibid., November 18, 1982, p. A-30; Susan Gilmore, “Street Name: Get on with Change to King Way, says William,” Ibid., April 14,1983, p. A-4; “Why City Is Stalling on Renaming Street,” Ibid., October 20, 1983, p. A-3; William Gough, “Last Sign: King’s Name and Dream Are Stamped on City,” Ibid., January 15, 1984, p. A-4; Florangela Davila, “MLK Way,” The Seattle Times, August 25, 2010 (

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